

Retinal diseases vary widely – some are common and easily remedied.

Retinal diseases vary widely – some are common and easily remedied, while others are rare, more difficult to diagnose and require more complex treatment. People with retinal diseases experience an array of symptoms, from specks floating in their vision to blurred or lost vision. The most common diseases handled in the clinic are diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal detachments or tears, macular holes, retinopathy of prematurity and retinitis pigmentosa. Retina services are presently available at Madurai, Tirunelveli,Coimbatore and Pondicherry. Garg Ophthalmic Centre retina services are recognized as centres of excellence in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. A separate Pediatric Retina Clinic is established at Garg Ophthalmic Centre Coimbatore which is exclusively involved in treatment of paediatric retinal disorders like Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), Retinoblastoma, Familial Exudative Vitreo Retinopathy (FEVR), Coats� disease, etc.


Fluorescein Angiography

This is a magnified photography of the retina using an injectable dye. It helps in confirming diagnosis, to decide on the mode of treatment and evaluate the treatment given.

Optical Coherence Tomography

OCT is used to image the retinal layers. It uses light waves to produce images of the retina, much like sound waves in USG. OCT has opened a new frontier in management of macular diseases.

Electroretinogram (ERG), Multifocal ERG, Visual Evoked Potential, ElectroOculoGram (To aid in the diagnosis of heredomacular diseases)

When light falls on the retina it stimulates different types of cells. This results in different electrical responses. Study of these responses can help us detect which cells are healthy and which are not. This is very helpful in managing patients with inherited retinal problems like retinitis pigmentosa or acquired damage from drugs etc.

Ultrasonography (3D Ultrasound) – To image the posterior segment when media is opaque

Uses sound waves of very high frequency that are sent into the eye and those reflected back are analyzed and displayed. USG is extremely useful in evaluating the posterior part of the eye when, it is not visible due to cataract or blood. It helps in making crucial surgical decisions, too.



Lasers are widely used in treating diabetic retinopathy. Lasers are formed by an intense and highly energetic beam of light. They can slow down or stop the progression of diabetic retinopathy and stabilise vision. The clinic is equipped with multiple lasers with slit lamp delivery and indirect ophthalmoscope delivery systems. Both double frequency YAG and diode laser are available for treatment of diabetic retinopathy, retinal holes , tumors, Retinopathy of Prematurity, retinal vascular diseases etc.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

The light sensitive drug- visudyne is injected into the patient�s bloodstream which accumulates in the abnormal new vessels in the eye. This drug is activated by a non-thermal laser which closes these abnormal vessels without damaging the overlying sensory retina. Studies have shown that PDT slows the progression and improves vision in some forms of age-related macular degeneration.

Transpupillary Thermotherapy (TTT)

TTT is a cost effective alternative in the disease forms not eligible for PDT. This is a low energy diode laser which directly closes the abnormal vessels with a small risk of damage to the overlying retina.


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    Garg Ophthalmic Centre B-54, Nirala Nagar, Near J.C.Hotel, Opp. Talwalkars, Lucknow